Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The flu sucks!

Good Tuesday Morning! I am home with the flu. Not the intestinal kind, thank goodness. The stuffy, headache, achy body, coughing kind. The bad part....I can't go to work. Can't see all of my wonderful peeps. Can't really cook anything, too many germs. Can't seem to stay awake for very long. The good part? I did learn how to make an extra juicy turkey on the cooking channel yesterday. Unfortunately, I still can't cook. Hopefully by Wednesday or Thursday things will be looking up. How long is this supposed to last anyway? Kirk even offered to stay home and take care of me today. How sweet! He was actually hoping and praying I would say he didn't need to (which I did) so he could go on a motorcycle ride with Jake. Not many riding days left in the year so I am glad he could go. Anyhow, I need to go blow my nose ...again....


Kayleen and Kay Sheppard said...

It sucks to be sick to close to a holiday. Hope you feel better in time to make one of those delicious turkeys! If not, come over and eat some of my stuff.... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Shana said...

OH NO!!  I hope you are feeling better for Thanksgiving!!  Being sick is not fun!