I guess it is time to toss my thoughts on to the screen again!
I wanted to just share a little with you about the most amazing man....my hubby, Kirk. (So, here comes the tears....of joy of course!)
September 5th marked the 22nd anniversary of the night we met. That was the same evening that my friend Beth married Terry Bishop. It was a beautiful wedding, tons of people. I stood in her wedding line in a beautiful pink organza dress with all of the trimmings. After the reception, my friend Karma and I decided to drive to Provo Center Street to see who might be there. At the time, for you youngsters, it was quite a gathering place. People would drive up and down the street, very slowly of course, and visit with friends and soon to be friends along the route. I am sure that many marriages have begun on Provo Center Street .
With the plan decided upon, Karma and I set out. We entered Center Street at 5th West and within the first block stopped our car. A young man had jumped forth from the center median and ever so quickly pulled up the leg of his jeans to reveal the most stunning ankle I have ever seen. Surely this was a ploy. But I did stop and rolled down my window. He approached my window and said, "I know who you are, you are Gena and you work at Arby's". I was taken a little off guard and asked him how he knew. "My friend has a car just like yours and he likes the way your windows are tinted." (For those of you who do not recall this vehicle, it was dang cute and the windows were tinted and pin-stripped in a very original manner.) I asked him what his name was and he said, "Kirk." It took only a moment for me to realize that I knew this young man and I said, "Kirk Bertelsen?!" He must have had that little revelation also and he said, "Gena Carly?!" As it turns out, Kirk had been a longtime friend of my older brother Jeff from first grade through junior high, when our family had moved away from Springville. He told me that I had to pull over and talk with him.
Now, through this whole transaction Karma, the friend who was with me, kept touching my knee and saying "Do you know who that is?" I kept shushing her. As we pulled forward and proceeded to make the journey back to where he was parked Karma informed me that this was the same guy she met at the lake recently and the same one who had come in to visit her last week at Arby's. I was shattered! Karma didn't have a lot of guys come to Arby's to see her. I was happy with the amount that came to see me. So, in the attempt of sacrificing for my friend, I did everything I could to stay away from him....except at a friendly distance.
Kirk was hanging out with a group of his friends. We visited for a while and it was suggested that we go to a local park and play frisbee (yes, in the dark) and continue the visit. We ended up spending the entire night (most people get a good giggle out of the fact that Kirk and spent the night together on the first night of our meeting, forget the fact that there were several other people AND I was trying so hard to stay away from him!) We laughed and joked and talked all night long! Karma and I had to be at work the following morning and when our shift was over I came out to my car to find a note from Kirk asking me out. He wanted to "show me that he was a gentleman." He left his number and asked me to call.
I spent the next two weeks refusing to call because of Karma. She finally told me that if I didn't call him that very day, she would! I happily gave in and the rest is pretty much history. We spent almost every day together from that time forward and have been happily married for almost 22 years! On our first 'official' date I knew he was the one I would marry (he correctly answered every question I threw at him on that date!).
I am so blessed to be married to Kirk. I thank my Heavenly Father EVERY DAY for this wonderful gift. I kind of joke and tell people how lucky Kirk is to have me as his wife, but I am the lucky one. He has been, and still is, the most amazing father anyone could ask for. He supports me in all of the crazy things I come up with. He makes me laugh (which should be a requirement for any marriage). He is the most caring, compassionate and loving man (I am pretty sure he got this from his dad) that I know.
When asked how long we have been married, Kirk will reply, "It seems like an eternity all ready!" I look forward to the 'real' eternity standing by his side. I love you Sweetheart!
Oh my gosh..that was hillarious. I never knew that's how you two met. I love the story!! And I bet it's even funnier to hear you tell it in person..hahaha..You're such a cute couple. Love you both!!!
Has it really been that long that you've been our "real" aunt? How time flies! I remember driving around in that cute car with the awesome striping like it was yesterday (it's possible we loved you because of the car! Ha! Totally kidding!)...I was so sad when that was gone (also, sad to see Kirks truck with the "polka-dots" go, he was the coolest uncle because of that truck and his t-shirts as well, but we will leave that topic alone...for now)! Anyway, it was fun reading some of the little details that we didn't know about! Love you guys!
And, you're right, Kirk is exactly like Grandpa Scott. They are both amazing!
At least you didn't have your nylons coming out of your jeans, walking around with them everywhere. You two are one of the cutest couples I have seen yet, and it's amazing nowadays that you have been together and loved eachother for 22 years! Kudos to you both, as marriage is sometimes pretty rocky. It's when you can smoothe out those pitfalls and move forward "together" that makes it all come "together". We love you both! STAY HAPPY!
THAT IS SOOOO SWEET AND CUTE!!! :) I loved reading that! It was so much fun to find out about the details of you meeting!! Glad you have each other! Love ya! PS, It was so much fun to get together with you guys. We need to do it more often!
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