Thinking I was brilliant....yes, brilliant, I called my cousin Rob's kids and made an incredible offer. I told Wyatt and Tanner that if they would come help me clean up the leaves I would give them one of my homemade calzones. I already knew that the offer would seem amazing to them as they often ask when I will be making calzones again. They LOVE them! With the prize in mind they came over.
That is where the deal crumbled.
No longer did they even think about the warm, cheesy goodness that awaited them. The only thought on their minds was..."How big of a pile do you think we can make with all of these leaves?"
I have to admit, I was curious. So, we (me included) piled those leaves as high as we could. Once the leaves were piled there was only one thing to do.....Jump in them. At first the jumping originated from running towards the pile and leaping forth in such a manner that you landed in the leaves. It then escalated to climbing the tree that we had piled the leaves under and jumping from the branch above the trees.
It didn't take long before some of the other neighbor boys showed up and joined in. We all decided that leaves are one of Heavenly Father's greatest gifts. We love to seem them burst forth in the spring, shade us in the heat of a summer day and fall to the ground and invite us to jump in.
The leaves are still in a pile. Tanner told me that "the other leaves are gonna fall and we can make the pile bigger!" How can you argue with logic like that?
The calzones are still here. Somehow, they weren't the big draw I thought they would be. Thanks for the fun boys!